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Here’s what you can expect next, phone call from Valley Glass or mail from Valley Glass, free virtual estimate from Valley Glass, we then manufacture your custom shower door, mirror, glass or closet doors, installation in approx. 2-3 weeks, we guarantee all our work and finishes.

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Transform Your Table With a Custom Glass Table Top!

Valley Glass Company can handle all your custom glass needs, including custom glass table tops. Whether you’re looking to add a glass top to an existing desk or table, or you need a custom table surface made entirely of glass, our Walnut Creek glass company can get the job done quickly and affordably. We cut and shape our glass right on-site, you don’t have to worry about the finished product looking anything less than outstanding.

Custom Cut Table Top

Benefits of Glass Table Tops

  • Protects furniture from nicks and scratches
  • Provides a smooth consistent writing surface that is impervious to water damage and ink stains
  • Adds shine without having to paint or stain
  • Gives new life to damaged or weathered patio tables

What We Offer

Valley Glass Offers custom shapes, beveling, and edging on heavy glass table tops.

  • Residential (dining, coffee, end, and sofa tables)
  • Replacement glass outdoor furniture tabletops
  • Office (conference desk, counters, etc.)
  • Commercial display
  • Standard shapes
  • Complex shapes
  • Overlay
  • Custom insert

When the fit has to be perfect, trust the Walnut Creek glass company that has more than 55 years of experience! We’ll help you pick the right glass type for any home or office project. Talk to one of our friendly and knowledgeable professionals today by calling 925-933-2940.